This is me, Zuzana Krulová. I was born in Opava in 1988. I am a mother of a daughter Lili and a wife of Tom. After finishing my speech-therapy studies in Olomouc, I began to work in a kindergarten. I am a happy woman, because I have what I have in every moment, and, what is more, I live my dream. A dream of drawing.
If you like reading, I will tell you much more about myself. I know how important the interpersonal contact is, and via computer I can open myself at least by a written word. So you know who I am J. And I can get to know you via mandalas created for you.
My story
I would like to tell you a story which is about fulfilling a big dream. The dream of drawing mandalas, and doing this for money in addition. This dream is still being developed and I often wonder how this could have happened, but mainly I give thanks.
Don’t be afraid and make your dreams come true. It is wonderful.
After I had discovered mandalas couple of years ago, I completely fell in love with them and since then I wished to have one at home. But what I wished more was to be able to create a mandala like this myself.
It is true that I fancy drawing since I was a child, but always in an imperfect way. I was not able to draw a real thing and I was rather disappointed from every attempt; I used to confirm myself that I could not draw. I didn’t hope that I could make money by drawing. Thus I ended with coloring books.
During my grammar-school studies I finally started to draw. Those days, I was not brave enough to create my own mandala, so I searched for an easy picture on the Internet. The mandala I found was created from easy parts, which I only colored with color crayons. The result was very good and this picture still hangs on the wall at my parents’ house.

Then I tried to make my own concepts of mandalas. I had so much fun. I just could sit all day long with crayons and draw. Just as a matter of interest, I put here a few photos of mandalas, which I made at that time. They are not extra beautiful or interesting, but at those days I was extremely happy about them. I was cheerful, that I finally discovered something, what made me fun and what I could bring to the end. Please don’t laugh when I tell you that I sat the next half-day just looking at what I had created.

The time had come to choose what to study after a grammar school. I still can not understand why an idea to study design or fine arts did not come to my mind. But maybe I know. It was because I thought that I was not able to draw. I was also very shy and did not want to study far away from home. But I am not sorry for that time at all. It was completely as it should have been. I started to study speech therapy in Olomouc and thank to this I also met my husband. Thanks to my university studies, I also found out what it was to work with children as a speech therapist. I realized that is was a nice job that I enjoyed to some degree but I would rather prefer to work as a drawer. But how, when, where? It was still a taboo for me. Probably the way was still closed at that time. And so I continued with my home drawing and maybe I got better. See for yourselves. 🙂

At the time I worked with children I did not have much time and energy for my drawing. We were looking for a house with my husband (he wanted it more than I did J) and we were planning the arrival of our baby. As I recall, it was the time I almost completely stopped drawing. Tom found a house, I gave birth to our daughter Lili (although Tom would say, that he gave her birth from a big part too J) and a carousel of baby business started. Through giving birth and maternity I started to experience a big transformation of my personality. However, I was very tired and I could not manage many other things except the baby and myself. And drawing? No way. No time for that.
One day, Naďa wrote me (I hope she will not be angry, that I mention her name J), that she wished a mandala for herself and another one for her husband. I confirm that I could not imagine where I would have taken time for drawing. I told her that it would have taken me maybe months to finish it. She was OK with that. She gave me almost all the time of the world. J And what happened? I suddenly become to have time. Lili started to sleep better during the day and I drew and drew. It was wonderful. Not only that I did again what I loved but my drawing changed very much. I created patterns, which had not come to my mind earlier, I also put colors to each other in a different way and suddenly everything was easier, more varied, and more beautiful. I drew a pink mandala for Naďa and a blue one for her husband.

I shared those two pictures on my facebook profile and at this time a carousel of mandala orders became to spin. I completely immersed into the creation and I was very thankful for more and more people contacting me to create a mandala for them. My dream started to come true. I had more and more work, so we agreed with Tom, that he would have reduced his work, so that I could draw more. Moreover, he got an excellent idea. After an agreement with owners of the original mandalas, we made copies which are printed on canvas and we can sell them in different sizes. You can read more about reproductions here.
And what is the situation now? I’m still drawing originals enthusiastically, we’re producing reproductions and we’re planning and thinking which of our many projects to start. 🙂
Live your dreams. It is worth it.